Being an environmentalist means life-long learning, and that is why it is so interesting! To be effective, an environmental movement requires a certain set of skills that are not easily learned at school or university. environmentalists have to know about a wide range of subjects covered within the term ‘environment’. Energy, climate change, waste, water management, sanitation, chemicals and agriculture are some of the issues with totally different context. We also have to keep up with developments in scientific and political circles. these days, it is all about climate change and what it will or will not bring in the future. We have to keep our knowledge up-to-date to be partners with governments and other stakeholders. besides this knowledge on global issues, we have to know what is going on in our country, region, town or village to be effective in our actions. This means that we are constantly learning and adapting scientific knowledge to our own day-to-day work. We have to be able to translate this knowledge into policy and action. Communication skills are essential, as are legal expertise and negotiating skills. We sometimes have to go to court or negotiate if we cannot reach our goals in any other way. There are many, many other areas in which environmentalists have to train themselves to be effective, like being a good manager, planner, project leader, professional, and knowing how to get all the work financed. these are all reasons why ‘building capacities’ is one of the three main pillars of MKM’s work.