CALL for financial assistance for project proposals
Милиеуконтакт Македонија и здружение на инженери за животна средина- Развојна Програма во рамки на проектот: Градење на капацитетите на граѓанските организации за животна средина за зголемување на демократските процеси во Македонија Референтен број на проектот: EuropeAid/155322/DD/ACT/MK
објавува П О В И К за финансиска помош на предлог проекти
The project “Capacity Building of CSOs for Increasing Democratic Processes in Macedonia” is funded by the European Union and aims to create conditions for CSOs working in the field of environment, to actively participate in the creation of public opinion and policies, but also in the decision-making processes on environmental issues. The project is implemented over a period of 3 years by the Association for Sustainable Development Milieukontakt Macedonia in partnership with the SEI Development Program.
The purpose of the call is to finance project proposals that will provide support to CSOs for transfer, application and multiplication of the effects of the acquired knowledge from the capacity building program, ie better governance in the field of environment by creating conditions for active participation of CSOs in creating public opinion, policy-making processes, and decision-making on environmental issues.Concepts should aim to ensure the active participation of CSOs in creating public opinion, creating policies and decisions on environmental issues, and / or networking with other CSOs nationally or internationally (CSOs from EU countries).
The proposed activities and project concepts should contribute to achieving the specific goals of the project: – Creating a common network of CSOs with teams covering specific topics in the field of environmental protection and public participation in decision-making processes – Capacity building of the members of the network – Establishment of the Aarhus Center