Call for grants

Call for grants


The “River Basin Management & Transparency” project aims:

  • to strengthen CSO’s capacities in order to increase their influence in the working process and outcomes of RBM plans in all stages of their development and implementation;
  • to strengthen CSOs capacities for involvement in characterisation of the River Basin Districts in Albania in particular for data collection, information and experiences sharing, identification of conflicts and establishing common understanding as well as for active involvement in development of the Programme of Measures;
  • to support CSO’s advocacy work for improving public participation, information exchange, consultation, decision-making, creation of awareness and promotion of environmental issues related to development, update and implementation of RBM plans, and
  • to raise public awareness related to the key environmental issues and problems that affect the aquatic environment and the promote new ways to address them.


On the following link you will find the call for regranting CSOs in Albania