First meeting within the project “Improving the biodiversity of Dojran Lake through cooperation with all social actors and implementation of ecosystem practices”

First meeting within the project “Improving the biodiversity of Dojran Lake through cooperation with all social actors and implementation of ecosystem practices”

On August 26, 2019, starting at 11:00 am, the first meeting was held in the premises of the Municipality of Dojran, which marked the beginning of the project “Improving the biodiversity of Dojran Lake through cooperation with all social actors and implementation of ecosystem practices.”

This project is funded by the Partnership Fund for the Protection of Critical Ecosystems (CEPF) and will run for 24 months, starting from 1 July 2019 to 1 July 2021.

The project is implemented by Milieukontakt Macedonia, in partnership with the Municipality of Dojran and ZG “Polimat 13” from Bogdanci.

The meeting was attended by the Mayor of the Municipality of Dojran, employees of the Municipality of Dojran, the project team of Milieukontakt Macedonia, representatives of the business sector and other stakeholders.

At this meeting, the project was briefly presented, ie the main goal which envisages the establishment of sustainable management of the Natural Monument Lake Dojran, through activities for direct conservation of defined locations, and improving the protection of endangered species. This project will address the issues of water quality on Lake Dojran, the volume and flow of water, as well as the violation of species and habitats.

The project, through the implementation of the planned activities, expects results in the area of ​​improved management of the catchment area, as well as sustainable management, conservation and renewal of the lake through ecosystem practices.

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