


Dear all,

Milieukontakt Macedonia, within the project Protection of the biodiversity of pastures on Shar Mountain, needs procurement of works for Implementation of the Pilot Investment Program – Measures to improve the situation with degraded pastures.

To this end, we invite you to submit a bid for the items listed below in this Bid Collection Request (BPP). To respond to this BPP you need to follow the instructions contained in this document.

By submitting the bid, your company accepts the terms below. Carefully read the attached documentation.

Please submit your bid for the above subject of the contract no later than July 10 at 15.00 by mail to the above address or in person. Bids can be submitted by hand or by registered mail in a sealed envelope.

With this invitation we provide you with tender documentation that contains all the information that will help you to make the offer.

The contract will be awarded to the bidder who submits the most economically advantageous bid. If you have additional questions, please send them by e-mail to or no later than July 8.

With respect,

Milieukontakt Macedonia