Call for Tour Operator

Call for Tour Operator

  Milieukontakt Macedonia within the project Conservation of biodiversity in mountain grazing areas of Shara Seeks: Operator for tourist tour execution How to apply: To apply, please send an e-mail with your tour plan/program and financial offer for the engagement to the e-mail address: using the subject line: “Tourist Tours execution”. If you need help, or have queries, please contact: or Only the e-mails sent during three…

Call for Expert

Call for Expert

  Milieukontakt Macedonia within the project Conservation of biodiversity in mountain grazing areas of Shara Seeks: Video Designer How to apply: Please send an e-mail with your CV, Reference letter if any, a portfolio and a financial offer for the engagement to the e-mail address: using the subject line: “Video Designer” If you need help, or have queries, please contact: or Name of the project: “Improving the Management of Protected…



  Dear all, Milieukontakt Macedonia, within the project Protection of the biodiversity of pastures on Shar Mountain, needs procurement of works for Implementation of the Pilot Investment Program – Measures to improve the situation with degraded pastures. To this end, we invite you to submit a bid for the items listed below in this Bid Collection Request (BPP). To respond…

Final conference within the project: “Strengthening local businesses for the challenges of global markets”

Final conference within the project: “Strengthening local businesses for the challenges of global markets”

  Милиеуконтакт Македонија во партнерство со CEIPIEMONTE S.c.p.a. Ве покануваат да учествувате на финалната конференција која се организира во рамки на проектот: “Јакнење на локалните бизниси за предизвиците на глобалните пазари” Почитувани, Настанот ќе се одржи на 12 јуни (среда), во хотел Bushi Resort & SPA, Скопје, со почеток во 12:00 часот. Целта на финалната конференција е да ги презентира,…