Request for offer
Milieukontakt Macedonia
within the project
seeks vendor to provide an offer for the following services:
• Accommodation Full Board in single rooms for 16 participants for 4 nights.
• Additional meals (for people not accommodated in the premises)
• Coffee Break
• Still water for refreshment of participants
• Room rental with technical equipment (LCD Projector, Projection Panel, audio
equipment, flipcharts and hi speed wireless internet) for 20
The services are required in the period between 18-22/10/2019
Please send us a financial offer for the required services.
Sent the offer to the email address: info@mkm.mk using the subject line: “Summer School”.
Deadline for submission of documents is October 1, 2019 (Wednesday), 17.00 p.m.
If you need help, or have queries, please contact: info@mkm.mk
E-mails sent only during three (3) days upon the announcement of this request will be replied to.
No Phone calls.