
Stronger CSOs for a participatory transposition and implementation
Improve the environmental governance in Macedonia by creating conditions for CSOs to participate effectively in the decision-making processes related to EIA/SEA procedures in EU 2020 climate and energy package Final beneficiaries: • Macedonian environmental CSOs • National and local authorities responsible for transposition and implementation of EU 2020 climate and energy package Project duration: 18 January, 2016 18 July, 2017
1. The understanding of the Macedonian CSOs of the EU 2020 climate and energy packages improved and mechanisms for their participation in the transposition and implementation process are established and operational 2. Macedonian CSOs are able to communicate and advocate for the environmental and socio-economic benefits inherent in the transposition and implementation of the EU 2020 climate and energy package and relevant EIA/SEAs 3. Strong and sustainable partnership between CSOs working in the fields of environment, energy and climate change and related national and local authorities and institutions is established; 4. Mechanisms to multiply the effects of the action are established
Project name:Stronger CSOs for a participatory transposition and implementation
Project is financed by:EU