Call for Expert
Milieukontakt Macedonia
within the project
Conservation of biodiversity in mountain grazing areas of Shara
Video Designer
How to apply:
Please send an e-mail with your CV, Reference letter if any, a portfolio and a financial offer for the engagement to the e-mail address: info@mkm.mk using the subject line: “Video Designer”
If you need help, or have queries, please contact: info@mkm.mk or aleksandra.s@mkm.mk.
Name of the project: “Improving the Management of Protected Areas”
The financial offer should be expressed in MKD excluding VAT.
Deadline for submissions of documents is 24.07.2019, (Wednesday) 15:00h. We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date.
If you need help, or have queries, please contact: info@mkm.mk or aleksandra.s@mkm.mk
Only the e-mails sent during three (3) days upon the announcement of the vacancy will be replied to.